For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, - Romans 1:16
We believe that the greatest need of every man, women and child is to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
As part of a holistic approach and in response to the command from Jesus to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”, whenever a new family is referred, and when appropriate, a bible is offered. Then, when they are visited, we always take time to share the word of God and pray with them.
The Potter's House CBO hosts a midweek bible study and prayer meeting which is led by the pastoral team from Crosspoint Bible Church (Formerly known as Covenant Baptist Church). We thank God for this opportunity to share the gospel with the families we work with and the wider community.
To visit Crosspoint Bible Church website and find out more
click HERE
The Potter's House CBO runs a regular bible club that brings the poorest and most vulnerable children together, giving them the opportunity to learn about God and respond in faith through having a personal relationship with Jesus. During the club, the children enjoy bible teachings, games, snacks, and a time of reflection and discussion. Our desire is to see souls saved and for God to fulfil His purposes in the lives of these children.